Jamón and charcuterie

Jamón, charcuterie and embutidos

Spanish jamón (ham) is an internationally recognised delicatessen product. Distinguished sybarites from all over the world point out that 100% Iberian acorn-fed jamón is one of the greatest pleasures you can enjoy in a meal.

The jamón we offer at San Sebastian Apartments comes from the top producing areas of the Iberian Peninsula, namely the Basque Country, Extremadura, Andalusia, Catalonia or Aragon. We ensure that the product we offer you keeps all its quality, freshness and taste when it is presented for your consumption.

When browsing through out products you will find the most exquisite and mouth-watering jamón, but also other charcuterie or "embutidos" such as loin (lomo) and sausages (salchichón).

We offer our products exclusively to our guests who stay in our apartments. If you wish to purchase our products even if you are not hosted with us, please contact us first.